California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Article I. Purpose
Section A. Definition
“LGBTQIA” shall be defined as any person self-identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Ally.
Section B. The purpose of this organization shall be to:
- Establish and facilitate communication among Cal Poly LGBTQIA faculty and staff.
- Provide a welcoming environment to empower, attract, and retain LGBTQIA faculty and staff.
- Advocate for equitable policies and foster an inclusive campus climate.
- Support the Pride Center and serve as role models for LGBTQIA faculty, staff, and students.
- Promote education on LGBTQIA issues, increasing multicultural competency for our campus as a whole.
- Offer professional development and social opportunities to faculty and staff.
Article II. Name and Affiliation
Section A. The name of this organization shall be Cal Poly Pride Faculty Staff Association, hereinafter referred to as “Pride FSA.”
Section B. The organization was originally chartered as the “LGBTQIA FSA.” Its name was changed by a vote of the membership on September 3, 2014.
Section C. The LGBTQIA FSA was recognized as an organization by the President of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on January 1, 2012, subject to all the privileges and obligations set forth by the President of California Polytechnic State University and the State of California.
Section D. It is the intent of this organization to uphold and abide by pertinent State and University laws and regulations.
Article III. Membership
Section A. All faculty and staff of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, are eligible to join the Pride FSA.
Section B. Annual dues of $20 are required for membership. Paying annual dues constitutes active membership for that academic year (July 1 – June 30).
Section C. Only active members may be elected to office, vote, debate, or represent the organization.
Section D. There shall be no membership discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, faith, political affiliation, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin.
Section E. The Pride FSA reserves the right to eject any member who does not exhibit professionalism in line with the goals and standards of the association.
Section F. This organization or any of its members shall not intentionally conspire to commit any act which causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, or physical or emotional harm to anyone.
Section G. Members shall respect the privacy and confidentiality of others, with respect to LGBTQIA status and otherwise.
Article IV. Officers
Section A. The Pride FSA may elect the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Pride Center Liaison, and Marketing & Outreach Coordinator.
Section B. The duties of these officers may be:
- Chair
- Shall preside at all Pride FSA meetings.
- Shall set the vision and future direction for Pride FSA.
- Shall exercise general supervision over the Pride FSA organization.
- Shall regularly check the Pride FSA’s email account.
- Shall appoint committees and serve as an ex-officio member of such committees.
- Shall work with the Vice-Chair and Secretary to keep a notebook of duties and procedures performed in the term of office, to be a record for the succeeding officer.
- Shall submit a year-end report to the membership at the end of each academic year.
- Vice-Chair
- Shall serve as events coordinator and preside at all Event Committee meetings.
- Shall preside at all Pride FSA meetings in the absence of the Chair.
- Shall assist the Chair in setting the vision and future direction for Pride FSA.
- Shall work with the Chair and Secretary in keeping a notebook of duties and procedures performed in the term of office, to be a record for the succeeding officer.
- Secretary
- Shall keep records of all Pride FSA meetings.
- Shall keep a current list of all the officers and individuals serving on the Event Committee.
- Shall keep a current record of decisions.
- Shall keep a current notebook of duties and procedures performed in the term of office, to be a record for the succeeding officer.
- Shall maintain Pride FSA website, utilizing input from membership and Cabinet.
- Treasurer
- Shall collect annual dues.
- Shall keep a current list of Pride FSA members.
- Shall maintain the FSA’s email lists to reflect current membership.
- Shall disburse funds in accordance with strict accounting principles and provisions and according to the budget as approved by the Pride FSA.
- Shall keep financial records in accordance with accepted business practices.
- Shall be in charge of all funds dispersed and/or raised through activities of the Pride FSA.
- Pride Center Liaison
- Shall meet with Pride Center Coordinator once a month.
- Shall communicate all Pride Center events and programming to Pride FSA.
- Shall recruit Staff & Faculty to participate in Pride Center events and programming.
- Shall support the students of the Pride Center and communicate their needs to the Pride FSA.
- Marketing & Outreach Coordinator
- Shall create marketing materials and advertisements for PFSA events.
- Shall update "Upcoming Events & Meetings" on PFSA website.
- Shall post and update all relevant material on PFSA Facebook Group page.
- Shall reach out via an individual email to all new additions to PFSA email list.
- Shall create email notification and calendar invites for PFSA events.
- Shall be the contact person for events not hosted by PFSA but who request marketing support.
Section C. Elections
- Candidates for office shall be active members in the Pride FSA.
- The new officers shall be elected from active membership at the end of each academic year.
- Officer elections shall follow the voting guidelines in these bylaws (Article VII).
- Vacancies in offices shall be filled in the following manner:
- The Vice-Chair will serve as Chair until an election can be held, and all officers and active members shall be eligible to run for Chair.
- All other vacancies shall be filled by an election at the meeting following the vacancy.
- Officers may be recalled by a ¾-majority vote of the active membership.
- An officer may be asked to step down if that officer does not fulfill the responsibilities of the office.
Section D. Term of Office
- Term of office shall be two academic years (July 1 – June 30).
- Officers may be re-elected.
Article V. Standing Committees
Section A. The Event Committee
- Shall be composed of the officers and other volunteer participants from the active membership.
- Shall be led by the Vice-Chair.
- Shall be responsible for planning educational workshops, professional development activities, social events and/or other related programming.
- Shall have the authority to carry out the provisions of these bylaws and to expend funds provided for in the Pride FSA corporation account.
Section B. Lavender Commencement Committee
- Shall be composed of the officers and other volunteer participants from the active membership.
- Shall be led by the Chair.
- Shall be responsible for coordinating faculty and staff attendance at Lavender Commencement and providing support to Lavender Commencement.
Article VI. Meetings
Section A. The Pride FSA officers shall meet at least twice per quarter.
Section B. The Pride FSA Event Committee shall meet at least once per quarter.
Section C. Events for the general membership will be held at least once per quarter.
Article VII. Voting
Section A. The Pride FSA’s decisions shall require a majority vote of at least one-quarter (¼) of the active membership unless otherwise specified in the bylaws.
Section B. All active members shall be able to vote.
Section C. Vote by e-mail and/or online survey is permitted.
Section D. All voting will remain confidential.
Section E. For all votes, a formal deadline will be advertised to all active members with as much advance notice as reasonably possible.
Article VIII. Public Statements
Section A. The Pride FSA may occasionally release public statements regarding on- and off-campus events relevant to the LGBTQIA community.
Section B. All active members may submit public statement suggestions to the officers.
Section C. The officers will consider any such suggestion. The officers will decide whether a public statement is appropriate.
Section D. All active members will have the opportunity to give input on all public statements. Given the time-sensitive nature of the relevant circumstances, a reasonable but potentially quick deadline will be set for members’ responses.
Section E. The officers will incorporate members’ feedback, including whether or not to make a public statement, before taking any action.
Section F. In the event that the public statement concerns an off-campus event, the officers will consult with Public Affairs before proceeding.
Article IX. Amendments
Section A. Amendments shall be made with a majority vote of the active membership.
Updated: 1/31/2019