Join and Support PFSA
Pride FSA Membership Interest Form
Please complete this form if you are interested in joining the membership of the Cal Poly Pride Faculty Staff Association. You will have an option of just being added to the mailing list for notification of events and meetings.
Pride FSA Membership Dues
Membership dues exist on a sliding scale. We ask that members only pay what they are able to.
Membership dues go towards Pride Faculty Staff Association events, socials, programs, swag items, campus grants, student needs, and more!
Join at the $20+ level and receive a PFSA T-shirt!
Supporting Pride FSA
To donate directly to the Pride FSA, please follow these steps:
1. Visit the Cal Poly Giving website
2. Click "GIVE ONLINE"
3. Under "Designations" click "Select College(s) and Program(s) for Pop-Up Menu"
4. Click "Other - Write Fund Name Next Step " and write in "Pride Faculty Staff Association"